Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Letting Go... His first day of Kindergarten

 photo noahsfirstdayofkindergarten2013blog_zpse28fdad1.jpgLots of tears knowing as I am realizing this is my first real moment of "letting go". I know there will be more: middle school, high school, college, a mission, marriage!! As I walked out the door, not knowing ANYTHING about what his day would be like, I hope he feels comfortable. I hope he meets new friends. I pray that the teachers will learn to love him like I do, guide him and know there is a mommy 2 miles away thinking about him every minute he is gone. 
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I found this sweet poem and it totally sums up how I'm feeling:

"I wonder what you're doing right now, 
And if everyone is treating you kind. 
I hope there is a special person, 
A nice friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows 
just how special you are to me. 
And if the brightness of your heart 
is something she can see. 

I wonder if you are thinking about me, 
and if you need a hug. 
I already miss the sound of your voice 
and how you give my leg a tug. 

I wonder if you could possibly understand 
how hard it is for me to let you grow. 
On this day know that my heart breaks, 
for this is the first step in letting my baby go." 
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Seriously an emotional wreck.
Love you baby boy.
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