Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why didn't I think of that?

Tonight our little family was together in the car when we pulled up to a stoplight. Noah immediately said, "High Five! High Five!"...I looked around and saw this.....
I couldn't help but smile at his thought, "Yep buddy that IS a high five". He thought for a second longer and said, "Nope Mommy, that's Daddy's Glove".

Smarty pants. Now why didn't I think of that?


  1. That is too funny! Kids say the most adorable things...and I agree I have never thought of that hand as a high five ;)Funny little Noah!

  2. Noah is so cute! It's so much fun watching little kids grow and develop. I love those heart warming moments as a can never get enough!

    By the way we went private with our blog, but I would love to stay in contact with you. Please email me at with your email address so I can invite you :)

  3. Noah is so stinkin cute. I love that age. give him a hug for me... gramma dana

  4. I love when they start thinking of fun things to say on their own. You are right, he is a smarty pants!

  5. Boy, his brain is starting to make those connections. I love it! He is such a cutie!

  6. He makes me laugh! I miss the little guy!

  7. Oh my goodness, he is a doll!
    I love your blog, I stalked you from Jens. Don't you just love the things kids say?
