Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Brad!

It's my BoYFriEnDs Birthday today! ;) The BIG 28! Holy Cow!!! You kinda robbed the craddle honey. I know your birthday is always overshadowed by some other event (Weddings, family reunions, etc.) So today I am going to try EXTRA hard to make you feel special. Hope it works out this year! ;) --Know that you are my everything. XoXo -Shell


  1. Happy birthday old man!! We hope you have a wonderful day. Let us know if we can watch Noah for you.

  2. Happy Birthday Brad! Cannot wait to see you guys!

  3. Happy Bday Brad! Shelley, it's nice to have you back. Your bloggin' more frequently now that your home. Will you just post ALL the pictures that you have in your house?! I love looking at your pictures. They are all so cute!

  4. ahhh! you two are THE cutest!!!

  5. The sweater picture by the Christmas tree is my favorite! Very Mr. Belvedere (do you remember that show?) Happy Birthday Brad. We'll see you in Utah next year!

  6. Hey, who is the best man looking guy? He looks like my cousin Jeff (or is it mitch, i can never keep those two straight)
    Happy Birthday, Brad! Looks like life is great! Congrats! :)
    Abram & Challis

  7. Happy B-Day, B-Rad. Sorry with me being in Idaho for a few weeks, we spaced it. But we'll have a little something-something coming for you:)

  8. Happay Birthday Brad!! Man you really did rob the cradle! Thats okay, I am just as old as you are!
