Brad has always wanted to get his MBA, and has always dreamt of getting it from Notre Dame. We have been praying extra hard that Brad would be accepted there. {It's no cake walk to get in to} ;).
Let me go back to the beginning. It all started about 3 years ago when Brad decided he definitely wanted to go back and get his MBA. Brad had been studying for the gmat and we had just found out we were expecting our second child (which was actually our second AND third). Because there were TWO additions, Brad's dream was put on hold while we focused on our new babies.
Flash forward 2 years. Brad and I decided it was time to fulfill his dream of getting his MBA. After submitting his application, Brad flew out to Indiana to visit the campus. He was almost certain he would be disappointed because he had put 'Notre Dame' on a pedestal his whole life. He wasn't. It was all he ever dreamt it would be. Doubtful of his acceptance, he came home wanting nothing more than to be offered admission. Brad came home with a bag of memoribilia he was given while visiting. Noah found it and Brad said, "NO WAY. You can't drink out of that. NOT YET. I might be throwing it away." ;)

After countless hours of studying, applications, interviews and lots of praying,...all we could do was WAIT. and WAIT. and WAIT. {brad thinks they should make a reality series out of waiting candidates and the torture they go through} :)

After countless hours of studying, applications, interviews and lots of praying,...all we could do was WAIT. and WAIT. and WAIT. {brad thinks they should make a reality series out of waiting candidates and the torture they go through} :)
I of course, knew he was a shoe-in. ;) For whatever reason, I felt it was right,... so that meant he HAD to 'get in'. RIGHT? Well, because I am so "in-tune' I decided I should have everything ready for a celebration, 'just in case'. I saved all my receipts and hid the goods 'just in case'.
The morning of Feb 25th, 2011 was a long one. It was judgement day. Brad knew he would be receiving a call either way. Eight O'clock went by, Nine, Ten, Eleven, NOON! After pacing the house Brad suggested I take Noah out for a little Mommy-Noah date. I made Brad promise he would call, no matter what. I kept my phone GLUED to my hand. We headed to the library, then to the bank. Just as I was sitting down with the banker to set up a savings account my phone rang. It was him.
Brad: {casual} "Hey Shell"
Me: {nervous} "Soooooo!"
Brad: {growing excitement} "You can tell by my tone".
Me: {screaming} "YOU GOT IN!!!!"
Brad: {choking up a little} "Yep."
Me: {bawling in the bank cubical} "I KNEW you would. I KNEW IT all along".
Brad: {still a little choked up} "They offered me a scholarship too".
Me: {almost unable to speak, feeling so completely blessed} We were supposed to go.
Brad: {sweetly} "I know."
Me: {party planning mode} "We are having a celebration tonight!"
Brad: {relieved} "Ya. I know Shell. You've got to do better with hiding stuff. I found your little celebration and I was so stressed out that I wouldn't get in."
Me: {reminding myself to hide things better}. "Well, I KNEW you would get in" {whew, I don't have to return anything}. ;)
The poor banker didn't know what to do with me,...except to step out of the cubical and give me a little time. ;) It was such a sweet sweet moment between Brad and I, that I will NEVER ever forget.

So. Brad is Irish. We are Irish I guess. This St. Patrick's Day has a fun new meaning to our family this year. As we head off on our new adventure, we will miss so so so much about our Boise life, but we know this is the right decision for us. And did I mention it's ONLY a year?! May to May. We will be back before we know it. {Hopefully back, gosh I want to come back, BRAD I WANT TO COME BACK!}
Noah is now drinking out of the Notre Dame Cup. Every. Single. Day.
(If you know someone interested in renting our little Boise house for a year, here is the link).
ahhh! I'm so excited for you guys! Reading this made me so excited for our future that I now have a racing heart and goosebumps. Gee thanks ;)
ReplyDeletei am soooo excited for you guys!!!! when are you guys leaving??? (we are coming to boise for ...A COUPLE DAYS..... beginning of may....maybe i can help you pack????!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteOh goodness Shelly I could not think of a better family for this to happen to. I am so happy for your new adventure. Let Brad know that if you are not back in 1 year (OK I will give him 18 months)he is in deep. CONGRATS to your whole family. p.s. You still have to post on HDS, I can't live without your posts.
Sorry my 11 month old deleted that.
Congrats you guys that is so EXCITING! Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteOh Brad the is SOOOOO Awesome! We are very proud of you guys. How fun that you get to move away for only one year, what an adventure! P.S. Where did you get those curtains, they are the cutest ever! miss you
ReplyDeleteBah! I love everything about where you guys will be living. Minus the tornados ;) but hey, even those can be kind of fun. I wanna hear all about where you guys are going to be living and stuff cause we know the stake president for South Bend. SO excited for you guys!
ReplyDeleteWooHoo, Brad! We are so excited for you! We will definitely be out for a visit. But know that we are COUNTING on you being back when you are done.
ReplyDeleteSuch exciting news, even better it's only a year! Won't be too bad being away from friends and family. Wish you luck on your new upcoming adventure :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats you guys that is so awesome. Good luck with everything coming up!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it every time I read your blog I am laughing and crying! You are so funny and so real! Congrats Coates family! What an awesome opportunity, good luck! Shell you are so dang talented, honestly you need to start selling the stuff! XOXO
ReplyDeleteI am SO excited for you guys and feel like the WORST friend ever because I totally am and we do not even live a mile away from each other. Brad will do great and the Lord will definately be taking care of you guys!
ReplyDeleteoh wow! congrats! I teared up a little as I read this. I am so jazzed for you guys! Well done Brad!