Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Month of Thanks...

I am slightly obsessed with the holiday season! I love every last minute from Halloween to Christmas (then the dreaded dreary months come Jan through March GAG). My mom brought to my attention that Thanksgiving so often gets overlooked because of the "hype" over Christmas and what a shame!! Thanksgiving is such a wonderul Holiday! We have so much for be thankful for! So this month I am focusing extra hard on remembering all the things I have to be thankful for.

This past week I spent a lot of time with my family in Blackfoot and I am so grateful for my family! (I missed my sweet hubby and I know Noah B missed his Daddy but it was fun to have a get-a-way!) I am especially thankful that I have sisters and mother. They are my rock. It is so nice to know I ALWAYS have someone on the other side of a phone call. I am so grateful Noah has such amazing Grandparents on both sides too! :) He is one lucky boy. I love that Elle and Noah are so close in age. It was so fun to see them interacting with eachother this past week. Isn't family the best? Here are a BJILLION pictures of our week in Blackfoot with my fam. Thanks for having us guys! :) We love you!

Mom made this adorable aprons for our Christmas apron swap! :)
Noah B naked being chased by Grandpa, McPa, Papa (whatever)!

Caught! :)Story time with Grandma, McMa, Grammy (whatever)! These two loved cooking with Grandma! :)

A few bonding moments between Noah and Elle...

First Duet! ;) Eating at Rupes...wouldn't be going home without eating at Rupes!

It feels so good to go home every once in a while! :) The top of my Thanksgiving list is my family! I feel so blessed to be surrounded by the people I love.


  1. Such a fun post! You girls are so cute! How fun to have a sister so close in age too.

    I know you said you did your mom's kitchen. Right?

    I too am thankful for Thanksgiving. And family for sure!

  2. I SO love Thanksgiving! It is family, it is peace, it is gratitude to a loving Heavenly Father, and of course, it is delicious autumn FOOD! Of all my blessings - you and Noah, and even Brad are at the top of my list!

  3. Thanks for the motivation. I need to be focused on all that I am blessed with! Noah's monkey pj's are the best. Tyler had some like that when he was little. And again, your mom's kitchen is amazing.

  4. Thanks for the motivation. I need to be focused on all that I am blessed with! Noah's monkey pj's are the best. Tyler had some like that when he was little. And again, your mom's kitchen is amazing.

  5. nice! I like how many pics you put up. I am going to have to steal a few of those. I am sad I wont be there for thankgsgiving but am excited to see you guys again in just a few weeks!

  6. I always love seeing pictures of your family!

  7. holy fudge! CUTEST aprons!!!

  8. These make me so homesick! I realize how important it is to be close to family. The pics of Noah and Elle cooking with Grammy are too cute for words!
